15 Sept 2014

Goings On

Faithful readers:

This will be a short post. My designer and I are working to perfect the final cover drafts; my cartographer will hopefully be finished soon; and I have been most occupied with my A-levels—they are proving remarkably fulfilling—as well as with reading the Picture of Dorian Gray.

I shall review it as soon as I am finished. If you are not aware, the novel is considered a ‘classic’; though, in this case, the title is merited: the prose is spectacular, the characters absolutely fascinating (and subject to no small mystery) while the plot is unexpected and engaging (though not thriller level).

More shall come once I am done with it. To truly do it justice, the review would have to be long; for the novel is indeed more than most: it is innately philosophical, and poses some rather difficult questions for me.

But enough with all that! Stick with me. Once the cover is finalised, everything will quickly follow.

Very well. Until next time!

6 Sept 2014

Alex! What Have You Been Doing?

Dear Readers:

Apologies for the lack of blogging. I have been busy with about a million things: sorting out a bank account; getting an NI number (waiting for it to arrive!); and trying to get some ISBNs (still sorting it out). This is on top of, of course, communicating with the cover artist—there’s one more draft coming up!—and the cartographer. Maps are a tricky business, it seems.

Nor have my marketing ideas languished. I have permission to put up posters (those will be so cool), and I may get some assembly time! It’'ll be scary talking to 500 people—but boy I hope I get their attention.

I have also started sixth form. For those of you not aware, Sixth Form is the English post-16 education which gets you into university. You study only four subjects—not a dozen like I used to—and those are in much greater detail (and difficulty!) than the wishy-washy GCSE stuff. The teachers are also crazy with giving out homework; poor me will have to manage his time.

Okay, I have rambled enough. Hopefully you will have figured out that I’m going to be busy until Halloween—that’s publishing date—and so it is probably a good idea for you to entertain yourself with whatever’s here while you’re waiting. There’s a rather nice short story in wait. It’s called the Sandman. It’s about a being that can change your life forever. And it’s free; so take a look!